Today has it's own troubles

When the quarantine started and people were called to stay at home, the stores were crazy. For some reason people were over buying toilet paper. I don't know why? But they did.

One morning I went and got gas at Costco and then decided to go in and get our monthly supplies which did include toilet paper.

I pulled out of the gas area and went to park close by the door. Much to my surprise, despite Costco not opening for about ten more minutes, there was a line outside that went into the parking lot. I jokingly thought, probably for toilet paper.

I was not wrong.

When the doors opened, I waited until the people in the line were in the store, then I got out of my car. I started laughing out loud, because before I hit the doors, people were coming out with carts full of toilet paper. The line to the toilet paper, and wipes started shortly after I entered the building. I left. I decided I was not battling the lines to get our supplies. I would come back another day.

My friend happened to be at WinCo and picked me up some toilet paper before she came to my house for coffee.

Shortly after that experience I saw a FACEBOOK post on the story of how God gave the Israelites manna every day when they were out in the desert. He told them to only take enough for the present day and on the 6th day they were to take enough for two days,  so they had enough for day 7 in which they did not collect manna.

Funny thing about that manna story is that those who took more than they needed, discovered the next day that their extra stuff was all gross. They only needed to take what they needed.

Years ago when we went through a desert period financially I used to lie awake at night and count every dime we had in my head, and compare it to our bills, and things in life. I would try to stretch and stretch those pennies as far as they could go and beyond.

I was stressing myself out.

The very first Bible verse in which I applied to my life many years ago was Matthew 6:34 "Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough troubles of it's own." (NIV)

Those are Jesus words from the Bible. A direct quote from Him. Do not worry about tomorrow.

I stopped stressing about money each night and instead when a bill was due. I paid it. When something came up. I paid it. One time we had a holiday and I had a few dollars. I went to the store to buy a present and what I picked out was on clearance. I had enough to buy it. I came home and a friend was sitting on our couch. They had had a garage sale. Unbeknown to us, they had decided that they would give US the Reinhardts a portion of their earnings from the garage sale. Not having talked to them in awhile I was astonished they had thought of us in this way.

He left an envelope. When we opened it, it was what I had spent and also what we needed.

Another time we received a phone call from one of the pastor's at our church. He said someone left an envelope for us at the front desk. When Ben went and got it, he discovered again, it was exactly what we needed and more.

One verse that is a key verse in my life is, "God is same yesterday, today, and forever." He doesn't change.

My circumstances may change, but He doesn't. Over this last winter my family had many trials. Some are done, some are not. Yes, I would worry. Sometimes I would be scared. Until I chose to hold on to the truth's of God's word. Was it easy with what was in front of us? No.

I knew I needed to trust Him and I could, because God stays the same no matter what the circumstances. Whenever times are dark, somehow, someway, He shines a light of goodness.

Today during this time of quarantine I need to again trust Him with provision. How long are we in this? Well, about a month is left. So, I don't need a year of supplies. I need a month or so. I can trust Him to provide and not take so much that there isn't any left for other people to provide for their own families.

How about the fear that can resonant through my mind when I wake up at night thinking about the virus? It is so easy to read one horror story after another about what the virus can do to a person. It is so easy to see so many people have NOT recovered yet and we don't know which way it is going to go for them. The pain and fear these people and their families must be experiencing right now is beyond what I ever want to experience.  And then instead of praying, the fear goes through me as I think of me or one of my family members getting sick and at the hospital alone, suffering to breath, and I will not bore you with the details of how far my imagination can go.

I could spend my time there in the imagination of my mind, but I have learned to do what I can, and reign it in. Pray. Prayer works much better than worry. At the other end of that prayer is a God who loves me so much that He died for the wrong things I have done and will do in my life. I was not the best person when I became a believer. The road behind me was filled with some pretty harsh bad things, yet God let me know about Him, and let me receive a gift from Him that I do not deserve. I still wonder, why Lord? Why did you let me believe and receive this gift? I stand amazed because I was living a pretty dark life.

And now I have today. I can spend it worrying and trying to fix things or be in the moment He has allowed me to have. He gave me THIS minute to live. This minute to be with those I love. This minute to walk in the love He has for me and to experience the wonder of His love.

I need to be wise, but not fixated on the bad. I GET to put it in His hands and live my life. Yes, I folow the quarantine rules, because I believe that is being wise. However, I get to enjoy this time in my home with my family, There are people in some really hard situatinos. I pray God will bless them beyond anything I could ever imagine praying for them. That He will open the heavens and pour out His goodness on them.

 I have today. No matter what comes my way, I can walk knowing, I am loved beyond comprehension.

Matthew 6:34 " Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough troubles of it's own." (NIV)

As hard as it is, it is super important for me to trust Him.

He is my provider. His word says to be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made know to God, and the PEACE of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:1)


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