Praying? Really?

 I made a comment couple of days ago, of how I would like to be like Peter or Paul right now.

I would like to be so close and open to hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit that I can say to her, as she lays before me on the hospital bed, with machines, and skilled nurses working to keep her alive, and comfortable, "Rise and walk, in Jesus name."

Or I could clearly hear God say she will, but she will rise into eternity with Me.

Instead I pray desperate prayers. I know stories of miracles. I want one now.  

I also want to be able to accept if what I want Him to do, is not what He is going to do.

I asked myself, and God, How does my faith apply here? How?

Looking at the situation, a negative statement made about prayers and miracles frustrated me, and I wanted to have an opportunity  to have a comeback.

I suddenly wanted my prayers for a miracle to say, THIS IS WHY I PRAY! Science is silent when God speaks and God moves!

Then I asked, how does my faith, my prayers apply here in this situation?

This morning the words, Jesus wept went through my mind. I then clearly remembered the story of Lazurus dying and resting in the tomb.

They called for Jesus when Lazurus became sick. Jesus came to them. By the time he arrived, Lazurus was already in the tomb.

Jesus arrived and saw His creation and despite knowing He was about to raise Lazurus from the grave He WEPT.

Jesus wept.

I have heard many, many reasons, why He may have wept, however, right now, for me, I hear this.


Compassion for how His people feel when they lose someone they love!

He knew what He was going to do. They didn't. He didn't push them aside and say stop crying.

He wept.

He then rose Lazurus from the dead. And told them to get Lazurus something to eat.

So simple for Jesus.

When His people call, Jesus not only comes, He has compassion for His people.

When He went back to heaven He didn't leave His people alone, He sent the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is with us, in us, and God's great comfort is ours through moments like this and other hard moments.

The story of Lazurus clearly says to me, maybe she will rise and spend more days with us on this earth. That will bring me and my family great, great  joy, but also if not, she will STILL rise, she will!

If she doesn't rise here, she will rise into His loving, comforting arms in heaven, and there will come a day we are reunited together with Him for eternity.

There will be a day we will never experience death again.

Jesus conquered it and prepares a place for us. Her place may be completed for her to move in to now, I don't know.

What I do know is, it will be perfect for her and she will be in the presence of her loving creator.

And I do know either way she is LOVED. She is dearly loved by all of us and by her heavenly Father.

The heavenly Father we immediately ran to for help when we heard the news.


Because He is a true Father who loves His children. And He is with us always.

When we call out He shows up.

Back to wanting to be like Peter or Paul - they were awesome examples and they did something that is exactly what each of us should do - they didn't lead us to them, they lead us to Him. They did all things in the name of Jesus.

And how does my faith apply here - like I was told - we love, we bring comfort, hope, encouragement, we care, like the one who is with us, comes to us, and cares for us.

To You Lord, I bring our sweet one who we love, and ask for Your healing, Your comfort, and Your will to be done.

In Jesus name, Amen.


Anonymous said…
What comfort of assurance we have, when our love ones attend the heavenly banquet set up for them. They will join the Lord and celebrate with joy and praise.
Carol Wilson said…
Your thoughts speak with glorious faith & bring tears of gratitude. Gratitude because of the assurance she--and we, along with other loved brothers & sisterx--will rise. "Thank You, LORD, for giving us your Living Hope."
Thank you, Linda for expressing your torn heart so beautifully.

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