Sometimes I am over busy, so much so, I feel as though I am standing still while time zooms by.

My lists are long.

Chores wait to be completed.

Papers pile up on my desk.

Stories I start are left unfinished.

Sleep is limited.

The lists I start out with in the morning, are bigger by the time my head hits the pillow at night.

When things are to busy and something happens, the emotional scale tips easily.

Time alone becomes something I savor. Sitting. Away. Relief.

Overwhelming feelings slip away as I sit by myself.

"Be still and know I am God." Psalm 46:10.

An invitation from God to take time to be still.

How hard is it to just be still?


Even though I want to be still, the overwhelming feeling of stress rushes over me, just thinking of the things I have to get done. I feel guilty for sitting when I know I have a list a mile long waiting for me.

However God says be still and the wonderful thing is, there is an "and" to that sentence..."know I am God."

Although it is hard to be still, God wants you to know, He is God. He will take care of you.

One movie in my list of favorite's is "For the Love of the Game." Besides the love story in the movie, Kevin Costner's character is deciding whether to retire or not. He may be pitching his last game.

When Kevin Costner, as the pitcher, steps up to the pitching mound, the batter takes his place in front of the catcher. The crowd is loud, some cheer, some make cat calls. Despite this the pitcher gets into position.

Before the pitcher throws the ball. The pitcher shuts out the rest of the world. He focuses on the catcher. They know their opponents. Together they decide which pitch will be thrown.

A moment alone together in the middle of chaos.

A similar situation is told about in the Bible. Mary took that moment with Jesus during a busy day. She stopped and sat at His feet. Martha, Mary's sister, complained because she was working and Mary was just sitting around. Jesus told her Mary was doing the right thing, because she took time with Jesus.

Mary slowed down for a while and it was okay. There were people waiting and things to be done. Still Jesus said it was the right thing to do.

Over busy? is okay to sit down and just BE STILL.

It's okay for me to shut out the world and allow time to focus on God.

Errands, work deadlines, phone calls, appointment's, dishes, laundry, cleaning, phone calls, and emails may be on my list, not one of those things stop. They are daily things. Things that go tap, tap, tap on my shoulder.


It is a genuine invitation.

To me.

To you,

The invitation. Stillness. Knowing God.


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