Speaker Request

I am available for brunches, luncheons, dinners, or retreats. You can contact me at  lindajreinhardt@gmail.com 
Please put speaking request in the subject line. 

The Person In The Mirror

She knows everything about you. She is everywhere. You cannot hide. She is quick to reveal your flaws, remind you of your yesterday’s (good or bad), she knows your tears, your laughs, your secrets, and fears. The person…in the mirror, reflection in a window, a selfie, a social media post, can give you a skewed vision of self-reality.

Those negative self-talks can twist a person up each day as the author of The Person In The Mirror, Linda Reinhardt knows all too well. The person in the mirror reminded her of her past mistakes, failures, and hurts. The person looking back at her in the mirror could not add up to the author’s daily expectations.

The Person In The Mirror inspires a person to listen to the voice of Jesus truths over the internal battle of negative voices that can come from looking in the mirror, at selfies, or a reflection in a window. Come join her as we take these battles, and strain to listen to what Jesus says about that person looking back at you in the mirror over those loud, unruly voices that say negative things.

Come on, let’s go deal with that Person In The Mirror.

I am willing to develop a retreat or talk around the theme of your event.

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