Be Blessed!

Last Saturday morning as we were enjoying a late breakfast, an old friend of ours knocked on our door. He used to be our neighbor and lately we’d been missing him being around lately. During the summer he’d set up his BBQ and make us some burgers. He was always good for a chat since he is a friendly caring guy. Also, he and his wife started going to church with us which was fun too.

Well, when he moved though, it was a really sad and tough time for all of us. I sent out prayer request for them constantly and prayed for them again and again. Still, they lost everything and ended up moving into a trailer.

That was two years ago.

Now, they are living in a home with an option to buy it, he has his own business, and his wife was able to have the surgery she has needed.

As I listened to him share his accomplishments, I realized I was listening to God’s answer to mine and many others people prayers.

I remember how I felt when I watched them sell all they had. And the day they moved.

My one comfort was that he had talked of living in a trailer for a while to save money and buy a house. So, I knew he would do okay in a trailer, but still, I was so sad for them.

But today, I rejoice. God answered prayers.

Yesterday this verse was brought to my attention, not once, but twice…my sister saw it on her favorite blog, (besides mine, of course), and then later that day, it was the verse for my daughter’s devo’s. When I told my daughter, she said, “Maybe Jesus is trying to tell you something, mom.”

Psalm 40:1-4

I waited patiently for the LORD; And He inclined to me, and heard my cry.

He also brought me up out of a horrible pit.

Out of the miry clay.

And set my feet upon a rock.

And established my steps.

He has put a new song in my mouth-

Praise to our God;

Many will see it and fear,

And will trust in the LORD,

Blessed is that man who makes the LORD his trust….”

Does anything more need to be said?

I don’t have the reasons why my friends went through their troubles and they lost everything. I can guess and come up with lots of explanations. But that’s what it would be is a guess.

But I do know, they were brought to the throne room of God through prayer, and that is trust in the LORD. And He pulled them out of the pit and set them on their feet again. They have a new song in their mouth. The report was good.

Sometimes, we don’t see prayers answered as fast as we want them to, but God is listening, God is working in our lives. Don’t give up in coming to Him. What we see immediately might not be the answer in the end.

Be blessed!

Make the LORD your trust!


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