This Is Us

This is one of my favorite pictures that sat on a windowsill in my living room. However, my cats recently knocked it down and if you look you can see the cracks in the frame and there is no longer glass covering the picture.

The protective glass is now in little pieces on the television stand.

Still the heart of my family shows. We have had many, many things that come and break to pieces things in our lives. Whether it be health, dreams, relationships, financial loss, job loss, deaths of loved ones, lots and lots of other things.

On this particular day this picture was taken, we all were exhausted. We were showing our house  for the umpteenth time with no buyer in sight.  We were stressed it wouldn't sell in time for us to move to our new home.

We had also been in and out of the doctors and ER for the little guy. There were other things I am not at liberty to share.

Peaceful, fun times were hard for us to find last summer. Except, that day we took off with our friends that day and as you can see...we got to just enjoy the most important thing we have...each other.

Ben is going to glue the frame back together. I may replace the glass, but it will always be a reminder of how life can unexpectedly come at you and break things up. Even destroy things we love.

But the most important thing in the midst of everything, God gives us PEOPLE.

Loving people.

Faith, hope, and love. Of these things the greatest is LOVE.

In these times remember...the greatest is LOVE.

And no matter what, at the very foundation of all LOVE is Him. Jesus. When I start my day with that reality of His consistent love in the midst of stressful days there can be a smile.


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