When Darkness Blocks Our View

The very first thing I did this morning was pray about my daughter’s doctor appointment. As I was praying for her a thought went through my mind…how many other mom’s are praying for their children? How many are broken-hearted watching their children suffer because they are hungry, sick, and so on and so on.

The last couple of nights I’ve been reading the book Prisoners of Hope by Dayna Curry and Heather Mercer with Stacy Mattingly, it’s about two missionary girls who were imprisoned by the Taliban in Afghanistan back in 2001. Before their arrest they interacted with many women who suffered in a war zone, widowed and trying to find a way to feed their children, or deal with their illnesses.

I stopped my prayer. The room was dark and the darkness seemed to come between me and God causing my prayer to be blocked.

I really wanted to be able to go to God with my daughter’s plight, but I wondered why would He answer when there were so many other moms desperately seeking Him?

And then a really incredible thought went through my mind.

God went to Afghanistan.

Joy filled my heart when I realized that yes, God did go to Afghanistan through the people He sent out on the missions. The story I’m reading is very clear on how their heart was set to go to this county despite all of the dangers that could await them. Still, these ladies knew it was where they were to go.

Because…God sent them.

Because…God went to those in Afghanistan who were suffering.

And with that…I prayed for my daughter, believing God was listening and God cared.

If God goes to Afghanistan, I know He will go with us to the doctor. I know He will get us through this.
In those moments when doubts cloud our view and cause our faith to falter…truth is His view is never cloudy and He never falters.

I can cast my cares upon Him because He cares for me.

That simple children’s song, Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so.

Well, it’s true because the Bible does tell me so. 


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