New Every Morning

It’s the end of the first week of the New Year, 2012.
I normally don’t make a practice of doing resolutions, but this year I thought I’d pick a few goals and go for it.
Like a lot of people seem to do with those resolutions, I failed.
What I resolved to do, didn’t fit into my plans this last week. Not with the busyness of taking down the Christmas tree and decorations, getting back into the school schedule, working, and my husband taking extra time out of the home due to his physical therapy.  Not to mention the other things that seem to come up during the day that needed my attention.
Nope, as I sit here this morning and look back at the whirlwind of the week I realize that my plans did not go the way I wanted them to.
The New Year looked the same as the old year.
But as I opened my Bible this morning I fell upon a passage that is very encouraging.
Lamentations 3: 22-23
22 Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”    
The New Year comes once every twelve months. And those resolutions come along with it. But God’s compassions are new every morning. That is three hundred and sixty-five times every twelve month’s.
What a way to start a day! To wake up each and every morning, with the knowledge, that God’s compassions are new and great is His faithfulness.
A couple verses down from that it says, in verses 25 – 26, “25 The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him; 26  It is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.”
No matter what yesterdays failures or burdens may be, I can wake up today and look back at yesterday, knowing, not only are His compassions new each morning and He is faithful, but He is also good to those who hope in Him and seek Him.
How would today look to you, if, you were able to start it knowing His compassions are new, He is faithful, and He is good to those who hope in Him and seek Him?
Would it bring encouragement to the situations you may be facing or the relationship you are working on?
I can tell you, it encourages me, to not give up. Not just on the resolutions, but other things that come my way.
It’s not only the New Year that gives us a fresh start. But for those whose hope is in Him, each and every day is an opportunity to have a new outlook and try again for His compassions are new every morning.
Bible references from the NIV


Jan Pierce said…
You're right, Linda. Each day is a chance to get it right. One of the hardest things for me to do is forgive myself when I fail. Thanks to the Lord, He always gives second chances.
Sylvia said…
Excellent counsel. Hugs
Ben said…
Linda, again you put into words what I need to be hearing and reading. Thank you for listening to our Lord and writing what He wants us to remember.
Darlene said…
Sound advice!

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