Like A Child

This is a note from yesterday’s day in the snow!
We woke up this morning to SNOW!
For the last couple of days we have had the promise of snow.
Yesterday it snowed beautiful flakes but they disappeared when they touched the ground.
Time has been spent checking the news report to see when the snow was coming to our area to stay and it was spent watching other areas have the much desired SNOW.
Today, there weren’t just empty promises, there weren’t just beautiful snowflakes that disappeared, and we didn’t just watch others or hear of others who had snow. We had our own snow.
So, then there comes the mad rush to get outside and meet friends to slide down the hill at the local school.
The mad rush turned into a mad zoom when we heard rain was daring to come out of the sky. That meant there were only a few short hours before the snow disappeared.
With too many warm clothes on, snacks and discs to slide down the hill in hand, we soon arrived at the designated spot and joined others having a good time.
My first attempt at sliding down a small hill on the way to the larger hill, ended in me sliding off my ride and into the snow. I hit a mud patch and slid all the way down. At the end I stopped and though my backside was soaked with mud, it made for a good laugh between me and my friend.
It was a perfect way to start the morning adventure, having the sound of laughter ringing through the air.
We made our way over to the larger hill. The kids had found their friends and were already going up and down the hill with squeals of delights. I grabbed a disc and joined them. Soon I was squealing with delight too.
It doesn’t matter how old I am, it is just plain fun to play in the snow, just like when I was a child.
I was reminded of that childlike feeling today. It felt good to just let go and relax, enjoy the moment. Even after I slid in that patch of mud and soaked my backside. I just put that behind me and focused on what was in front of me, knowing the time was brief that I got to enjoy the snow.
In Mark 10:13-16 13“One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so he could touch and bless them. But the disciples scolded the parents for bothering him. 14 When Jesus saw what was happening, he was angry with his disciples. He said to them, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them. For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. 15 I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” 16 Then he took the children in his arms and placed his hands on their heads and blessed them.” NLT
Hmm…receive the Kingdom of God like a child? As old as I am? Or maybe as old as you are? Is this possible?
I’ve walked long enough in my faith where I’ve experienced waiting for a promise and hearing or seeing others receive their promise, while I wait and wonder. 
It was a time of learning to continue to come before Him believing He hears my prayers and cares for me.
I’ve experienced those moments where I’ve thought my answered prayer had arrived to only have it disappear. I can still remember the first time someone asked me, “Just wonder if God doesn’t answer your prayer?”
“Not answer my prayer? God? Well, why wouldn’t He? He is so loving and giving and…and…” I couldn’t believe I was asked that question. And then God DIDN’T answer that prayer. It didn’t make sense to me, because it wasn’t a sinful prayer, it was a very necessary prayer. I’d seen Him answer incredible prayers and even heard of miracles because of prayer.
It was a time of wonder. A time of learning that no matter what, I had to trust Him and how He did answer that prayer. For He did answer it, the answer was obviously, no.
I’ve had those “sliding in patches of mud” moments in life where it made it hard to put it behind me and focus on the day ahead.
It was a time of letting go. A time of learning that He was faithful to walk with me and never leave me nor forsake me. I had to learn to lean on Him for my hope for tomorrow and to be my comforter.
Life is brief. There is only so much time here on earth to get to know and grow in a relationship with the Creator, the Savior of the world.
I guess He’s telling me that no matter how old I get, no matter what I have experienced in life, I’m to come to him, just like a child. And I can, because He has taught me through all of the years, whether there is carefree laughter, or deep heart felt pain, or grieving, He loves me. And through every minute He is introducing Himself to me. He is letting me see who He really is.
I know I don’t do or answer everything the way my young daughter would hope that I would do things or answer things, yet she trust me. She comes to me with her needs. She comes to me for loving and cuddling time. She listens and learns. She’s my child.
Just like I am His child and you are His child. He is there for all of our needs, comfort and love.
Bible translation is the NLT “New Believer’s Bible”


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