It’s time for the Spook's

Today many people dressed up in costumes before they headed off to work. Many are planning to attend parties and lots of kids are looking forward to trick – or – treating this evening.
Along with all of this fun, comes the scary side. Witches, skeletons, goblins and ghosts are hung up as decorations. Haunted houses are visited around town. People walk through them and they are scared out of their wits by things jumping out at them in the dark. Usually, a person will leave one of those places, exclaiming, how in one way or another, something terrified them.
It’s a time to tell stories that make your skin crawl or watch a movie, that can even make a grown man, not want to turn the lights off at night. The holiday is full of the spooks.
I used to love to get scared. I would spend this time of year at the scariest haunted houses and watch scary shows. If anyone was into a super terrifying movie, it was me. At the time it was exciting.
All that spooky stuff lost it for me years ago. And it’s something I don’t spend my time focusing on anymore.
See, one day I started learning about the greatest power there ever was, is, or will be. This One has the power to give and take away the very breath I breathe. Yet, He is so filled with love; He made a way for me to live eternally.
I read that yes, there is a spiritual world, but even the demons are afraid of Him and submit to Him. This One has all authority to tell the demons to be gone.
And the demons that are so evil, and do such horrible things, have a horrible place to go to at the end of time. And the One I follow, is going to put them there.
And although, Jesus is so powerful, the message He gives His children is, “Do not fear.” And His perfect love CAST out all fear. His word says to meditate on things that are pure, just, holy, true, praiseworthy, knowledgeable and of good report.
This very One I follow, rules over all of those things, that try to terrify us. The very One I follow, doesn’t want me to fear. He wants me to walk in peace and love.
He leaves a comforter for those who love Him. He never leaves us nor forsakes us. And yes, the enemy does come and strike and try to mess with our lives, but the One who has called me and all those who follow Him as His own, has sealed us. We are His.
His word promises, that as His child, absolutely nothing could ever separate me from Him. "...not death, nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
So, now I’ve learned to spend time, enjoying the day the Lord has made. And enjoying the very one’s, He has given me to spend time with while I’m on this earth.
Now, I like to carve out a pumpkin or two. Hang with friends and eat candy. I MIGHT dress up, but then maybe not. This year I’m joining my daughter trick or treating around a neighborhood.
And instead of paying attention to evil things, I’m going to pay attention to the good. Like my daughters funny costume, or the smile on her cute face when she gets candy added to her bag. Or something my husband, parents, or sister might say.
I hope you have a Happy Halloween. And I pray you can walk in peace knowing, that Jesus. who loves you more than anyone ever could, says, “Do not fear.”  


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