Is it dead?

 I thought it was dead. 

I bought this pretty hydrangea tree last year. Over the winter we had a horrible ice storm. Most of my plants made it through okay, but the hydrangea didn't look so good. I did some investigating on the internet. I found a Gardner who showed how to prune the dead limbs and cross limbs off the hydrangea. 

I followed the direction of the Gardner very carefully. I ended up with a awkward looking bare limbed looking tree. I even heard the question, what happened to it?

I waited. I checked to see if there were any buds periodically. Nothing.

Then one day I saw what appeared to be buds down on the lower branches. 

I became excited about the tree possibly being alive.

I planned to cut the branches down to what appeared to be buds. 

First, I prayed over each branch to have life and to bloom. 

I checked on it again to see if the little buds were blooming. Not much appeared to be happening. 

Would the tree bloom? Would the beautiful flowers of the tree show it's beauty? Would I have to cut it down?

I checked it again and low and behold not just little buds showed, but rather tiny green leaves. The leaves showed not only lower on the branch, but on the upper branches also!

God had answered my prayers and blessed my efforts.

If it was dead yes, I would accept that and have to cut it down. I would have been sad. 

It isn't dead. It is starting to bloom.

Do you have something in your life you think is dead? 

There are times that life has a lot of loss and it is painful. 

Have you checked with the master Gardner to see what you should do?

Have you checked to see if your efforts are bringing life?

Or is it dead?

Have you carefully prayed over it?

Are you waiting for God's answer?

There have been times I have informed God a situation is hopeless and there is no way to make it good. 

I have to admit to the embarrassing obvious answer I receive from God, as He shows me how His love, His ways changes everything.

ISAIAH 55:8-9

8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts,

    neither are your ways my ways,”

declares the Lord.

9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,

    so are my ways higher than your ways

    and my thoughts than your thoughts. NIV

Can you trust our good Father in heaven, who sent His Son to save us and pay the price for our sins to be able to bring life, to what appears to be hopeless or dead?

I hope so!


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