Where is PEACE!


Where is it?

Chaos and confusion are everywhere.

News, videos, people's choices, viruses, cancers, and relationships exploding - information that continually fills our minds. 

Closer to home, life can be fast, relationships can totter at the drop of a hat, people are haggard, walking the streets with no home to go to, drug and alcohol addictions is a norm in a lot of families.

Where is the peace?

I know I can spend time during the day looking and looking for just a moment or two for some space where there is solitude. There is no news, no demands, no need to be emotionally available, and I am just able to take a moment to process life. 

Where is the peace for the people who have been taken from their lives and held hostage?

Where is the peace for the ones who have been stolen and sold for the perverted pleasure of others?

Where is the peace for the one who is caring for a loved one that is suffering in one way or another, and where is the peace for the one who is suffering?

Where is the peace for a child who watches their parent drift away mentally and emotionally when the high hits or the parent walks out the door or smacks them around?

Where is the peace for those who are on the front pages, and picked apart for the world to see?

Where is the peace for the homemaker that is busy administrating her home and teaching children how to live in this day and age?

Where is the peace for the man who struggles to be who he really is in this world?

Where is the peace when a person is holding onto a relationship by the frayed threads ready to break?

Peace isn't in the solutions to these problems because problems will arise again. The solutions bring an end to these problems.

Two days ago, there were tornado warnings and a torrential downfall of rain. Today, as I sit, the sky is blue, the breeze is gentle, and the temperature is cool enough for a sweatshirt but also warm enough to sit outside and enjoy. It is peaceful. In an hour, a day, or a week who knows what the circumstances will be regarding the weather. It is a peaceful moment, but it isn't PEACE.

Throughout the day there are pockets of peace – enjoying time with a loved one, seeing a victory, hearing birds singing, children laughing, seeing the smile on a person’s face. There are many things that can bring peace to a moment.

However, in John 16:33, when Jesus was talking to the disciples. He told them - "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

THE Peace is in Jesus. He is rock solid, always there, never changing. No matter what goes on, He is where the peace is at. 

"Then, because you belong to Christ Jesus, God will bless you with peace that no can completely understand. And this peace will control the way you think and feel." Philippians 4:7 CEV

So, this is my prayer for everyone in the situations I listed and for those that are not on my list...

"The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn His face toward you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26 NIV




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