The Crazy, Overwhelming Storms


The storms have been crazy lately. March 17 produced 21 tornadoes in Alabama, and Mississippi, Georgia and Florida also had tornadoes.

There is flooding in Tennessee.

And we have had a virus that has caused a storm over a year not only in the United States, but the entire world.

The virus has attacked the health of many people, taken many, many lives, and attacked the emotions of many people too.   

The virus has swept through our nation and people not only are suffering physically and emotionally, but financially and many relationally.

People are thrown together and people are torn apart.

Then another storm arose - the mask wearers versus the non-mask wearers.

And, whether to be vaccinated or to not be vaccinated.

This nation was already in the throes of an internal battle over politics. Many hated the President that was in office, many loved the President that was in office.

Then our nation dealt with the horror of watching a video of a man dying before our eyes.  The trial is now in process.

The riots came full force.

We haven’t just had mild storms, there has been a tsunami of one negative thing after another pouring into our lives in this nation. Even all over the world.

In the Bible there is a story that has been told repeatedly. There are even animated shows to teach children this story about a storm and Jesus asleep in a boat.

It is easy to read the story and move on. However, I find a strong message to hold on to in this story.

Some of Jesus disciples were fishermen and were out on the water daily. One night they were out on the boats. A storm arose that even the disciples who were fisherman found themselves in an uncomfortable situation.

In the book of Mark 4:35-41. Mark tells about this time. Jesus was asleep on a cushion in the stern of a boat. A “furious squall” came up and waves came up over the boat so that it was nearly swamped.

I looked up the definition of a squall – (verb) sudden violent winds often accompanied by precipitation.

Sudden violent storms.

One minute everything appears fine, and the next, whoosh the storm comes in and the person is overwhelmed with all that is suddenly coming into their life.

The disciples had been with Jesus long enough to know to go to him. They woke him up.

“Jesus don’t you care if we drown?” they asked him.

Ever have that question leave your lips? Ever utter that question in one form or another over the last year?

They woke him up and asked him that question.

Jesus don’t you care if...

I am hurt?

I’m sick?

I am alone?

I can’t see my family?

I see too much of my family?

I am abandoned?

I am broke?

I am angry?

I am scared?

There are so many different scenarios - don’t you care Jesus?

I had a day when a “squall” came into our lives and I spent part of an afternoon where I cried tears that came from deep within me. I suddenly sat up and said, “What am I crying for? Who cares if I cry? What difference does it make?”

A few days later there was a knock on my door.

I opened the door to a very dear friend. This friend however didn’t usually come to my house. We usually did groups together or saw each other at the same events. So, it was a surprise to see her standing on my porch.

She tried to explain haltingly why she was at my home. She didn’t know what was going on in my life, but she was told to help our family.

She carried in bags of groceries and although she had not eaten at our home before, she had purchased everything we needed at that time. Not only had she not eaten at our home before, but she was on a special diet due to medical reasons and these were items she would not necessarily purchase.

Included in the shopping were two items I was to bring to an event later that week in which she knew nothing about.

Soon afterward I got in my car to go on an errand. I felt absolutely astonished at what had just transpired.

When I put my car into gear a thought went through my head. You asked who cared? I care?

I have no question where that thought came from, God did care that a sudden storm had hit us, and He did care when I cried.

There have been many, many times I have cried out. Even when I have had to walk through the storm of mourning, loss, or whatever tsunami hit my life, He has showed up.

Because HE cares.

Mark goes on to tell us that Jesus stood up and told the wind and the waves, “Quiet. Be still.”

The storm stopped immediately.

He then asked them, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”

Even though the disciples ran to Jesus for help, they were still terrified that Jesus was able to tell the storm to stop.

“Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him?”

I too am astonished when Jesus answers me and takes care of the issue. Yes, I too, am probably asked many times, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”

They ran to him and when He took care of the matter, they were like Whoa! How did he do that? Who is this person?

They were overwhelmed and ran to Jesus. They woke Him up and then stood astonished at what He did for them.

These stories in the Bible are not just to be read. They are for us to really know Jesus and who He is and can be in our lives.

There is a verse in the Bible that holds strong for me. When things are going awry, I remember in the book of Philippians it tells us - “Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”

Jesus doesn’t change. Circumstances change, but not Him. He has always been the same.

This story is an example of what to do in a sudden violent storm that is making things pour into your life that are terrifying.

RUN to Jesus.


Jesus, don’t you care?

PRAY and remember - Jesus does care.

We know He cares.

Christians…let us pray.

Let us see what happens when Jesus stands up.

Let us run to Him.

The world needs Him.

We need Him.


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