Can We Stop...and Love

November brings us the rain that calls people to be inside. People in the PNW will still go for their runs, their walks, and even do their bike rides. Still, it is time to cozy up in our homes or go to inside events. 

This morning I put my big soft robe on, got a cup of coffee, breakfast, then curled up in a blanket on my bed, with pillows stacked around me. 

I grabbed my Bible in the fresh, quiet newness of the day and started reading. 

These verses really spoke to me today. 

"13 You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature, rather, serve one another in love. 14 The entire law is summed up in a single command; "Love your neighbor as yourself." 15 If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other."

With hope I pray I can love my neighbor as myself. 

With hope I pray we can start loving our neighbor as ourselves in our community, state, our country, and not destroy each other.

It is with sadness I see in the bigger picture our country biting and devouring each other and I hope we do not destroy each other.

With sadness I see our states, our cities, our neighbors, fighting against one another to the point we are destroying each other. 

In loving others as ourselves we can begin to heal. 

Sometimes when my dog wants to play and we are busy with something, she will grab something that belongs to one of us and stand there looking at us with the object hanging out of her mouth. We will tell her to put it down. She wags her tail. We get up and she wags her tail faster. 

She waits until we are just about to grab her and takes off around the rooms. It sometimes takes the three of us to strategically trap her in a place where we can catch her. She is quick, she is smart, and she wants to play.

When all of our strategic plans fall through we go to the pantry and pull out the big guns. We get her a treat. We let her know we have a treat. She will stand and look at us like she is deciding if the treat is worth stopping the fun she is having. 

Sometmes she will drop it readily. Sometimes she will stand there and let herself get caught and then relinquish the object in exchange for the treat. And sometimes she will just drop her head letting you know she will take the treat, but she doesn't want to let go of the object. 

When we give her the treat, and get the object, sometimes we will grab one of her toys and play with her some more. Sometimes she eats her treats and if we are busy, she tries to get the object back and a lot of times succeeds. Other times she will take the treat and a bit of loving and we go back to what we were doing.

She has figured out how to get our attention and get us to play when we are busy. It is adorable, fun, and exasperating all at the same time. We love our dog so we get over the frustration quick. 

Why am I talking about my dog?

Why am I telling a story about playing with my dog?

Because it is as simple as that. 

We are busy with our things. We look around and people are standing there trying to get attention with things that are coming out of their mouth. We want to stop what is coming out of their mouth instead of seeing that there is something else going on. 

Just like my dog wants to play. Simple.

People want to be heard. 

People have needs. 

Big argument in America. Abortion. Fight after fight over this issue.

Have you ever stopped and asked yourself, WHY? 

Why is it so important to pro-lifers to stop abortion?

Why is it so important for pro-choicers to have abortion? 

What is the core importance. 

Both sides think they are right. 


We know we are right and cannot hear each other, so we fight. We strategically figure out how to get other's to see the issue our way and when it doesn't work out that way - we get frustrated. We fight. 

What in this issue can bring us together.  

We don't have to hate. 

I don't agree with you. 

That is okay. 

You don't agree with me. 

That is okay. 

Yeah, I think I am right. 

And you are not!

I also love you!

And I hope you and I can see that there is a REASON I see it my way and you see it your way. 

There is a core reason and hate will not bring us together. 

Love will bring us together. 

I believe certain things and it is in my core being. 

I am going to tell you something. 

I used to be PRO-CHOICE! All the way!

Now I am NOT. 

I now speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. 


I co-lead groups that bring healing to women who suffer from the grief of abortion. I listen to their stories. They listen to mine. Along with the co-leader of the group, we are there when women in the group cry. We are there for them. We care for them. It is not a hate group. We don't fight about whether it is right or wrong. We love each other and bring comfort, and encouragement to each other. 

Just because we see differently doesn't mean compassion is gone. 

You have a different perspective because of a core reason. 

So do I. 

I had a different perspective on life and lived different than Jesus would want me to. He didn't reject me. He kept calling me. He kept encircling me with those who love Him, and they loved me. I was a mean, rude, and sarcastic person to them. They are actually the people who inspired me to get to know Jesus. 

They stayed in the trenches with me. Even through the battle they stayed and cared for me. 

They loved me. 

I now love them. 

I now love Jesus because I got to get a glimpse of Him through them, and I went on to know Him better. 

Today, Jesus, I pray, fill me with love for my neighbor. 

In Jesus name, Amen. 


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