Armchair Kangaroo Courts

Have you ever received a letter summoning you for jury duty?

I have. And I know some people who have also.

I admittedly try to get out of it. I do not want to take time away from my life to listen to a possible horrible crime and have to determine if the person is guilty or not. 

Have you ever been in the position where you have to make tough decisions for a situation? I have. One in particular, I had to fire two employees who did exceptional work, punctual, reliable, and had been with the company longer than I. 

The day security escorted them out the door their co-workers came to my office demanding to know why they were let go, and threatening to walk out themselves. 

At the time I had to keep the reason they were fired confidential. I looked like a jerk and like I didn't know what I was doing to many people, including some of the higher ups that I had to deal with daily. 

It was a very difficult time. No one knew the details except a few people who had to know and were part of the investigation. If I told anyone and it got back to our former employee's I would have faced greater consequences from the courts than the heat I felt at work. 

The Bible tells us there are two sides to every story.

Have you ever heard of a kangaroo court?

 The defintion is - an unofficial court held by a group of people in order to try someone regarded, especially without good evidence, as guilty of a crime or misdemeanor.

This is what I see happening all over America regarding politics, the virus, these riots, etc. 

There are a bunch of armchair kangaroo courts watching television, reading things on the internet and making decisions and spewing opinions all over the place and trashing relationships. 

People who are freaking out over every political thing without looking at each side of the coin and all the pockets that are lined politically to make one little decision are playing judge and jury.

Wear a mask, don't wear a mask, wear a mask, don't wear a mask. EXPERTS don't even agree. 

Covid-19 is a lie, it is not a lie, it is a lie, all said by supposed experts, although people have loved ones who have died. 

Everyone is arguing about it and everyone has a such strong opinions.

If you think back, healthy people were called in to their homes to protect them and to not cause hospital to be overflowing with patients, without enough equipment and staff.
When we got pulled in, it did slow the virus and the hospitals were not full of people dying that they couldn't help. Does everybody remember that? 

Instead of looking for internet answers...I suggest go to the doctor and ask your doctor if you should wear a mask. If the doctor says no, okay. if the doctor says yes, okay, but do what you do and people do not have to join you. 

Every medical person I have talked to, wear a mask. The frontliners...wear a mask, but get facts. 

If you go into a building that says no shirt, no shoes, no services, you respect that right? Then if they say no mask no service... respect their business or do not go in.

A horrible, heartbreaking tragedy happened and hopefully when the people who caused it go through the proper law channels there will be justice. However, there are people who are taking this tragedy, and instead of protesting in a way so other people will not be put in danger or experience tragedy, they are rioting, playing judge, jury, and executioner and hurting people who were not involved in the tragedy. It is horrible. Some of those people are grieved about the tragedy too.

One thing that is true, however, when rioters destroy a person's property, shoot and injure people, and block people from going on with their lives, they have become a part of a kangaroo court per se, and are putting every fellow citizen into a box that they may or may not belong in. 

I agree with the peaceful protest, however people who are condoning the riots and saying they are making a statement are playing judge and jury.

To say it is okay to smash windows of a building or car, or shoot someone, is just a flat NO! 

We all have to start praying for EVERYONE in this country. 

Seriously, God is the God of truth. Not a God of confusion. He will set your path straight. When you look to Him he will tell you whether to go right, left, or straight. He can see all of the picture. 
When Moses was leading the people out of slavery, he ended up at waters that they couldn't go through. The enemy was closing in. People were freaking out instead of trusting that God who freed them, was not going to leave them. He opened the river and they went through. Their enemy did not get through. 

When Peter was put into prison and was going to get killed. God walked him right out of his prison cell with prison guards sitting next to him. 


Believe that God will hear our cries. But folks we gotta get to the point of praying and seeing how He plans to stop all of this. We don't need to be armchair directors of how He should do it. 

Lets get on our knees. Lets sit down and talk to Him. He is so good. He listens. And He is the one who will and can help us. 


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