It Is REALLY Hard Sometimes, But I CAN Do It

I entered the freeway having limited time to get to an appointment. Typically, it was 20 minutes away, but due to traffic it was 39 minutes away according to my Google map. If nothing happened along the way, I would get there with a few minutes to spare.

Taking a deep breath I repeated a verse from the Bible, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Then I relived the last couple of hours that caused me to feel stressed out. I thought and thought about who mainly caused the problems and how that person should have done this, and should have done that as I  kept repeating the verse.

It suddenly occurred to me that yes, I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me, or I CAN continue to do all things through the stress that put me in this position.

I decided I would let Jesus get me through. I decided that whatever actions the other person did, they were not going to propel me through the rest of the day. Jesus would get me through the day.
I decided I would not let that person’s actions cause me to be grumpy, stressed out, or cross to the people in my life. That person was on their own merry way for the day, why should I bring that person with me in my day?

It would only hurt me and those around me and ruin the REST of my day. So, that is when I made a decision to really do things through Christ who strengthens me. I would forgive. I would be loving, kind, gentle, etc.

I could feel the stress leave my body and I started to relax even though the traffic made the timer on my map to my destination look like a liar.

I ended up getting to my appointment with five minutes to spare in the waiting room. Also, I ended up going through the moments without that person having control over my day.

It was MY day that was given to me to live as best as I could. Did stressors come throughout the day. Oh yeah! There are a lot of different things I am dealing with right now, so it seems, one thing comes after the other. However, one thing doesn’t have to affect the other. I can be happy, sad, mad, confused, tired, cry my eyes out, laugh until I cry, and still I can do each of these things through Christ who strengthens me.

There are a lot of battles during the day. In His word Jesus does say He will be there with us. I know it doesn’t mean He is just sitting on the sidelines watching me and picking me up if I fall, or just cheering me on, or fixing things when I need them to be fixed, but sometimes I think in my head like that.

The truth is He is right with me in the battle each step of the way. I just need to be tuned into to Him and believing He isn’t far away. He is right here with me.

And I can do it.

I can do it, because I CAN, do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.


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