Thank You To All Veterans

Thank you to all VETERANS! 

I really mean thank you. I appreciate anyone who serves or has served in the military for our country.

I am allowed to live a life knowing there are people who are willing to go to battle for me, my family, friends, city, state, and country.

Not only that, but to go to bat for other countries.

It amazes me that a person would risk their lives to protect other people's lives.

Thank you.

There are many in my family and extended family who have served our country and also are first responders. I respect what they have done, and do, immensely.

Back in WWII our family suffered a loss when my mom's step brother was killed during training for the air corps. Also, when I was young my family had to deal with the death of my Uncle who was killed in battle and the death of another Uncle who was killed in a car accident while in the military.

I cannot explain the pain all of my family members went through at the time. Each of us in my family has their own story of grief. I can tell you that we all connect in that grief when we say my Uncle's name. We all go back to the day when the news was delivered and the story of what happened while he was in the battlefield.

There are many families who have that same grief. It is fresh in their hearts and minds, even if it is many years ago.

Veterans day includes the families too. The parents, brothers, sisters, spouses, children, and the entire rest of the family.

I want to say I appreciate all that YOUR veteran has done and is doing for our country. I want to say thank you for all that your first responder has done and is doing.

May God bless all of you and yours.

May God keep you.

May His face shine upon you and give you peace.

May His comfort fill you.

May His love gather all of you into a hug that brings comfort to your pain and comfort for those who are dealing with things their eyes should never have had to see or experience things they never should of had to experience.

I humbly say.

Thank you.


Anonymous said…
Linda, thank you for blessing all who read your blogs. Thank you for recognizing the service of our military and first responders. You are truly an encouragement to those around you.
I appreciate your wisdom and your prayers.
May you be being blessed.

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