Who Are We Following?
1I had a list a mile long today of things I wanted to get done. It’s my first day off where I don’t have a million things other than “my” list calling my name. The Bible verse, “Seek first the kingdom of God and all of these things will be added to you..” kept going through my mind. So, I sat down and proceeded to read the required reading of the day for our women’s Bible study group. We are in the book of Ezekiel which is hard to read. It’s full of prophecy and warning for the Israelites. I was feeling a bit antsy to finish reading the chapters and get on with my day. I realized I was acting like my daughter does when I’m trying to explain something to her and she has a hard time sitting still. I tried really hard to actually listen to what I was reading and not just speed read the chapters to say, “Ta-dah! I’m done.” The words I heard were distressing. God ca lled out a warning abou t what He was about to do to and they weren't listening. In Ezek...