Electronics For Christmas

I was browsing around the store and noticed the NOOKS had been updated since last year. Then I noticed they were updated along with every other electronic device in the same department, where people were standing in line to purchase the latest “thing” that was on sale.

I shook my head wondering how soon after we left the store, with our items, that a new updated one would be on the shelf, and what we had just bought would be outdated.
We lost the charger to my daughters DS and had trouble finding one that would work in her device. A very young guy who waited on us had to look up our DS on the computer and we showed him a picture of it so he could help us. Okay, it’s really not that long ago since we bought it, but…

That’s how it is now. As soon as you turn your new lap top on, your new phone filled with a bunch of cool apps, or the latest game player another one is being marketed that is so much better than what you have in your hands. A person just has to have the latest one too.
In the book of Proverbs it says:

“There are three things that are never satisfied,
four that never say, ‘Enough!’:
16 the grave, the barren womb,
land, which is never satisfied with water,
and fire, which never says, ‘Enough!’
If that passage was written today I wonder if it would add – “electronics” to the list.

Don’t get me wrong I love electronics too. It just made me think while I was Christmas shopping and watching the crowds of people in the electronics section how much it’s become a part of Christmas. And every year there is a new thing for a person to want. It’s always changing and can a person really keep up with it all?
The hustle and bustle of the stores is such a stark contrast to what the message of Christmas really is all about. Yes, there is a magnificent gift involved, but the original reason for celebrating Christmas doesn’t change.

During the live nativity presentation at our church the story of Christmas was told from over 2000 years ago and it is the same powerful loving story year after year. It is truly what Christmas is about.
In a small town in Bethlehem, a virgin girl named Mary gave birth to Jesus, who is Immanuel, God is with Us. The angels came to the shepherds and told them this wonderful story and they went to see the baby. A star shined brightly above where the baby lay in a feeding trough and the poor shepherds were witness to this miracle baby and then went and shared their tale.

You see, Unto us a child was born.
This child grew to be a man and walked among us. His name is Jesus.

This man gave His life for us and paid the price for all of our sins. If we believe in Him, we are saved.
This is the reason we celebrate this holiday. Yes, the gifts are awesome, but the first gift ever given to us regarding this holiday can never be surpassed in its awesomeness.

Because of Him…
You are forgiven.

You will live ETERNALLY with God.
This gift was done with a love that is incomparable.

It is for you to receive and it doesn’t change, it doesn’t get old, nor does it need an update.
John 3:16 NIV
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.



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