Sometimes The Answer Is Time
I am sitting in my car under the shade of a tree, drinking a coffee, and feeling discouraged. Tired. Hopeless. Frustrated. Many negative adjectives will fit right now. Shaking my head, I wonder if certain things are really worth doing if they only cause negative adjective feelings. What answer can there be to what is stirring in my heart? There doesn't seem to be one. Except one - Time. Oh, a hard one right now... Love. Sometimes in the fight, time becomes the answer. Whether it is time to heal. Or time to mourn. Restore. Rest. Develop. Finish. And love, love always is part of the answer. When time is the answer it can be hard. Time passes so fast each day, except when something is on my heart and mind, then it seems to drag. The clock seems to go backward instead of forward. The future looks tiring. My friend had heard that when we worry about the future we usually see it without God in it. Hmmm - Seeing the future without God in it. So wh...