
Showing posts from June, 2020

Armchair Kangaroo Courts

Have you ever received a letter summoning you for jury duty? I have. And I know some people who have also. I admittedly try to get out of it. I do not want to take time away from my life to listen to a possible horrible crime and have to determine if the person is guilty or not.  Have you ever been in the position where you have to make tough decisions for a situation? I have. One in particular, I had to fire two employees who did exceptional work, punctual, reliable, and had been with the company longer than I.  The day security escorted them out the door their co-workers came to my office demanding to know why they were let go, and threatening to walk out themselves.  At the time I had to keep the reason they were fired confidential. I looked like a jerk and like I didn't know what I was doing to many people, including some of the higher ups that I had to deal with daily.  It was a very difficult time. No one knew the details except a few people who had to know and...


There is something super important I want to say to all fellow believer's today. PRAY! PRAY! PRAY! I can only imagine the absolute grief George Floyd's family is feeling since receiving the news of his murder. It is absolutely horrible news. May God wrap His comfort around George Floyd's family and may they feel His comforting love.  And I hope ALL involved will be brought justice. ALL. Christian's please pray also for what has happened since the news broke out. The riots and looting are destroying so much. Innocent peoples lives are being attacked and paying a high price instead of the people who were monsters to George Floyd. Prayer is powerful because we are going to our God, our Lord who is above all things.  Our fellow Americans need prayer. Not opinions, but prayer right now.  May the Lord comfort the hearts of all of us in this country. May He bless us with peace within our hearts, minds, souls. May He give us a great love for one another so we can treat each oth...