Armchair Kangaroo Courts
Have you ever received a letter summoning you for jury duty? I have. And I know some people who have also. I admittedly try to get out of it. I do not want to take time away from my life to listen to a possible horrible crime and have to determine if the person is guilty or not. Have you ever been in the position where you have to make tough decisions for a situation? I have. One in particular, I had to fire two employees who did exceptional work, punctual, reliable, and had been with the company longer than I. The day security escorted them out the door their co-workers came to my office demanding to know why they were let go, and threatening to walk out themselves. At the time I had to keep the reason they were fired confidential. I looked like a jerk and like I didn't know what I was doing to many people, including some of the higher ups that I had to deal with daily. It was a very difficult time. No one knew the details except a few people who had to know and...