
Showing posts from July, 2011

A Blob Of Clay

There was a time in my life when I was more active than I am now. I ran, played tennis, and rode bikes. I still remember when I first started running and had certain goals to meet. It would seem the last stretch would be a killer on my body, but I knew if I didn’t quit, the accomplishment would be worth it. So I’d press on. Then after being involved in a car wreck I wasn’t able to do those things like I did before. I’ve had to work at building physical strength and agility. Sometimes, while I’m working at the physical goals I re-injure an area I had hurt before and have to back off, only to have to start over again. Because of that and how busy life is the progress has been slow but steady. It reminds me of when I first became a Christ follower. I’d enjoy learning what the Bible said about God, I loved singing the songs, getting to know the people, and watching amazing prayers get answered. Then something happens in life where the answers from prayer don’t come so quick. Or the answer ...

I'm Waiting

There was a time in the Bible when the apostles couldn’t cast out a mute spirit from a guy’s son. When Jesus appeared, the man explained what had been happening to his son since childhood. It was some pretty horrible things. The man ended with saying to Jesus…"But if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.” Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!” Jesus didn’t rebuke him for his unbelief rather he rebuked the unclean spirit. He helped his unbelief. Ever been in a place in your life where you believe in Jesus with all of your heart. I mean you don’t doubt that Jesus can take care of the situation, but…you’ve been praying a long time and you’ve suffered loss in the waiting for an answer. You know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus could speak and there would be healing, everything would be fixed, if only…and as you wa...