Pierced Like A Knife
The question sunk into my heart like a piercing sharp knife. Shock and then humiliation swept over me. The humiliation grew, as one by one those around me, heard what had been asked me. Words of encouragement and comfort were given, but the humiliation and hurt went deep. The words had hit their mark. Just that morning I had been excited by progress I had made in an area I had been working on in my life. The words spoken said loud and clear the work WAS NOT GOOD ENOUGH! The hurtful words, and then the humiliation that came from others knowing about the spoken words, was enough to make me either trip that person as they went out the door…Or not. Or to fight the tears of anger and embarrassment, and just get out of that place before any further damage was done. I chose the latter. It was hard. I was hurt. I was embarrassed and the knife had hit a very tender, sore spot in me. Yes, later I cried. I complained. And it affected me for awhi...