And He Showed Up - Merry Christmas
The song, “I’m Dreaming Of A White Christmas,” has real meaning in the Pacific Northwest. If a lawn has a snowman adorning it, it was bought at a store. Rarely does snow show up for the PNW’er unless they go up to the mountains. Except this year, the mountain doesn’t have snow like it usually does. Not even the tourist town of Leavenworth is covered with snow. Snow rarely shows up. Quite a few years ago my family faced the unexpected death of my Uncle. After his death, a group from church made their way to my Aunt’s house, and spent the day helping her with yard work. I remember her explaining that it touched her, because they “showed up.” A few thousand years ago, on a starry night, that is what God did. He “showed up.” “Immanuel” – God with us, appeared on the earth, in the form of a baby, named Jesus, God’s son. The birth of a baby is such a wonderful thing. What makes Jesus birth even more exciting, is this is not where His life started. The Bible sa...