
Stormy Seasons

  Since the day I turned 64, life has been filled with quite a few emotional storms. F5 tornado’s have ripped around in my brain and heart. Blessings, conflicts, hurt, and pain fly around all at once making it hard to focus on something. It has not been easy. All my energy just seeps out of me and washes away like puddles of rain down sewer drains. It leaves me tired, and my knees feel weak. When things seem to be as peaceful as a beautiful day after a fresh rain in the spring, the winds start blowing, and something sweeps in playing chaos with the peace. At the beginning of June this year, we had the surprising announcement that the month would start with RAIN showers. Lots of rains showers. Startling news , especially for those who have lived here for a decent amount of time, and usually don’t even bother with an umbrella, due to rain being a normal part of life. A lot of times it may rain for an hour, or a minute, then the sun comes out, then it rains again, then it is

Is it dead?

 I thought it was dead.  I bought this pretty hydrangea tree last year. Over the winter we had a horrible ice storm. Most of my plants made it through okay, but the hydrangea didn't look so good. I did some investigating on the internet. I found a Gardner who showed how to prune the dead limbs and cross limbs off the hydrangea.  I followed the direction of the Gardner very carefully. I ended up with a awkward looking bare limbed looking tree. I even heard the question, what happened to it? I waited. I checked to see if there were any buds periodically. Nothing. Then one day I saw what appeared to be buds down on the lower branches.  I became excited about the tree possibly being alive. I planned to cut the branches down to what appeared to be buds.  First, I prayed over each branch to have life and to bloom.  I checked on it again to see if the little buds were blooming. Not much appeared to be happening.  Would the tree bloom? Would the beautiful flowers of the tree show it's

Mess Cleaner

  Have you ever finished cleaning a room and someone comes behind you and messes it up? Or have you ever completed a project and somehow the project is destroyed? I have. It can be frustrating. While reading the book of Genesis, it looks to me as though God has experienced this too.   At the end of each day of creation, God would look at His creation and say, "it is good." He created two incredible people who hung out with Him in His beautiful garden.   Imagine how beautiful it all looked at the beginning of time. Imagine a garden without weeds.   Then a day came when it all went downhill, Adam and Eve took a bite of the fruit from the forbidden tree.   The downhill roll has been going and going ever since. I can only imagine God having to watch the work of His creation as the choices people make messes it up or destroys it. My husband worked on our yard to make it a wonderful oasis. He made a part of this oasis where I can have a beautiful garden and there

He Chose You To Love You

  Pretty much every morning I open my eyes to a cute little cat staring at me waiting for me to wake up. My other cat is prowling around the bed meowing trying to get me up, usually way before I want to wake up. I say good morning to them, pet them, and they follow me around the room. Then I go into my office where my dogs sleep and let them out of their kennels. Those two dogs get so excited. Their tails wag, and their little bodies wiggle crazily about me while I pet them. Then they greet each other by panting in each other’s faces, chewing at each other, and wagging their tails more. It is truly an ordeal to get down the stairs safely, they are so excited. Once they go outside and eat, as soon as I sit down, they wiggle their way to me and rub their excited little bodies up against me and just want to be talked to and petted. They get so excited as I talk to them and get full of energy, rolling on the floor, jumping, and ending up wrestling with one another. Each of these 4 animals


  WHAT IF? “What are you going to do if God doesn’t answer your prayer?” My neighbor’s question left me stunned. Surely God would answer my prayer. I could see no reason at all for God to not answer my prayer. I spent quite a while praying that night, in my backyard, looking at the moon. It looked huge and seemed so close to earth that I felt as though I could reach out and touch it or even step right onto it. I knew God created that moon. He spoke it into existence. As a new believer I had not even considered God would not answer my prayer.  He spoke the entire world into existence.  He can answer my prayer. It has been over 30 years since the night my neighbor asked me that question. Did God answer my prayer? Not the way I wanted the prayer to be answered. It was a season of grieving and growing for me. Since then though, there have been many answered prayers. And – My dad’s friend did not heal. My friends did not heal. Some family members did not heal. My husband’

Where is PEACE!

 Peace? Where is it? Chaos and confusion are everywhere. News, videos, people's choices, viruses, cancers, and relationships exploding - information that continually fills our minds.  Closer to home, life can be fast, relationships can totter at the drop of a hat, people are haggard, walking the streets with no home to go to, drug and alcohol addictions is a norm in a lot of families. Where is the peace? I know I can spend time during the day looking and looking for just a moment or two for some space where there is solitude. There is no news, no demands, no need to be emotionally available, and I am just able to take a moment to process life.  Where is the peace for the people who have been taken from their lives and held hostage? Where is the peace for the ones who have been stolen and sold for the perverted pleasure of others? Where is the peace for the one who is caring for a loved one that is suffering in one way or another, and where is the peace for the one

Not Worry? How hard is that?

  I had some time to sit on the beach and stare off into the vast unknown. Did you know just sitting there set me up for the boundaries of the ocean to be removed and taken out to the deep never to return? Did you also know that sitting there is so peaceful and shows me the power of God who created such a magnificent vast ocean with the beautiful sky above and the sun that rises and sets each day?  Anxiety and worry, or Peace and relaxation? I cannot tell you how many times I struggle to NOT WORRY instead of staying in the moment. About 35 years ago I had a tough situation in my life. Worry filled my mind about what could happen the next day. When I opened my Bible the verse I read was “Do not worry about tomorrow, for today has enough troubles of its own.” How hard is that? How hard is it to not worry about things that seem intimidating, scary, or life changing in the future? In a Bible study I am in, the discussion was on Adam and Eve after they had eaten the forbidden fruit from the