Sister Blue Thread Series - Hidden Song- Book 1

Trudy wasn’t sure what she expected out of teenage life. She just knew this startling news wasn’t part of the plan.

Trudy shivers, clutching a thin blanket tight around her shoulders. “How much longer do I have to wait?” Pregnant and scared, she’s stuck in the waiting room of the abortion clinic. This, she believes, is her only choice, especially since her boyfriend, Randy, insisted on it and drove her to the clinic. But what if there’s another way?

No matter what Trudy chooses, she’ll have to face her parents with the truth—that the “good girl” they thought was their daughter has been living a lie the last year. But along the way, a deeply hidden secret will change everything about her perspective.
Walk down the road with the Sister Blue Threads
and find hope, healing, and joy for your own journey.


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